Saturday, September 17, 2011

Angry Birds Moonlight Festival

Recently Angry Birds Seasons has been updated to a new world called Moonlight Festival. It's fairly hard but not really for others. Here's a video:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Black Bird facts

The Black Bird is one of the most favorite birds of mine. It's found in World 2 level 11 or maybe others. It's found late in the game. It's talent is exploding stuff. Like the Big Red Bird it can kill anything. It's fairly rare but not as much as the Green Bird. Heres a video. Enjoy!: It's how to draw a Black Angry Bird. Have fun.

Bloated Red Bird

The other Red Bird can kill mainly anything. Wood, Glass, Concrete and so on. It's found in Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic. They are rare in other Angry Birds but not in Angry Birds Seasons. It's found early in the game. They are probably the 2nd best bird. Enjoy!

White Bird

The white bird is found in World 2 level 15. It's talent is dropping out eggs. It mainly kills concrete and glass. It's found late in the game. Heres a link to play on your PC: Angry Birds PC. Have Fun Angry Birds Fans!

Videos of Angry Birds

Here are some videos of Angry Birds I found have fun!

Yellow Bird Facts

The Yellow Bird goes extra super fast. It's talent is breaking wood, and also glass but not as good as wood. The Yellow Bird can be found in Angry Birds World 1 Level 15 and over. It's found late in the game. Heres another video Enjoy!:

Red Bird Facts

The Red Bird is found in the first level and more. The Red Bird does not have a special effect but it does break concrete easier than the other birds in the family. It is probably one of the most popular birds since it's found early in the game. Here's a video enjoy!:

Green Bird Facts

I will tell you facts about the green bird:
The green bird is vertically a boomerang. Pull the slingshot back wait tap at just the right time and it goes like a boomerang. The green birds are rare and are not very often found in the game. But in Angry Birds Seasons they are not so rare. Heres a video with the green bird in it! Enjoy!

Angry Birds

Angry Birds is awesome. Once you know how to play it gets a bit easier but levels can be really hard once you get up to World 3. I am up to World 3 level 5 very hard it is. Sounded like Yoda Hmm buy me you will. Lol. Have fun Angry Fans I mean Birds LOL